December 17, 2011

Lots of Holiday Parties

Pin It now! My work holiday party was uneventful, which is always a good thing for a Compliance department.  Two co-workers did end the night with an ugly sweater showing though.  These were one of the guy's mom's old sweaters!  I told them I wouldn't post showing their faces, but would ask which one everyone thought was the "ugliest". I'm not sure... they're both pretty awesome.

On a very different note, we had our annual Jingle Mingle last night.  Most of the NJ kids made it and we had an amazing amount of food.  I was in a food coma most of the night and I'm not sure how I managed to get home from Hoboken with more food than I brought.  Adele, Elf and DDD also got us through the night.  Another fun night!

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