December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Pin It now! Christmas this year was a little different, a little off, but definitely one to remember.  We went out to NJ to my sister-in-law's for Christmas Eve and then my parents' house for Christmas day.  We ate, watched a horror St. Nicholas movie, hung out with a cousin we didn't expect to see, didn't see a lot of others we expected to see, went out for Chinese food for Christmas dinner, celebrated my uncle's birthday, tried to Skype my cousin but failed miserably, and miraculously didn't have traffic coming home.   We somehow came home with more stuff than we left with.  I'm not sure how we're going to fit everything into our apartment.  Oh, and I got this bad boy (yeah, still can't believe it!).  I'm sad this holiday has passed, but this year, it was very anti-climactic.  I think I hyped it up too much (even though I didn't really blog about it). I just need to enjoy what's going on in front of me and not think about three steps ahead.  I keep missing all the good stuff!


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