February 6, 2012

Hello February

Pin It now! I know, we're already into the first week of February so it's not really timely to start a post the way I did.  I'm obviously way beyond in posting.  I still have to tell you about our four Chinese New Year dinners.  That's right...four...but that will have to wait until tomorrow.  Let's recap the weekend.  This past weekend and the entire year so far has been a great example of global warming.  It was in the 50's...in February!  Anyway, I started out with a bridal shower in Chappaqua.  It was originally going to be in Manhattan, but there was a little confusion about party-booking fees and all that fancy Manhattan ho-hum.  Ideally, the next option would have been in Brooklyn since the bride, several neighbors who were in attendance (yeah, me) and the groom's family were all coming from Brooklyn.  We all ended up in Chappaqua at one of the bridesmaid's house.  I admit it's beautiful up there and we drove through Pleasantville (sound familiar?), but after 45 minutes driving and only going 5 miles through Queens, almost having a car side-swipe us, and the GPS giving us bad directions, we had wished the lovely party was closer to home.  They did have delicious food (including a drop dead delicious pesto pasta salad) and a tiramisu cake, which saved trip.  Thank goodness for the delicious dinner at Jadis and much-needed dancing at Fat Baby with my girls that night to celebrate Cyndi's birthday to make up for a long afternoon.  As someone said to me today we partied like we were in our twenties.  (Sad...)

Yesterday, we went over a neighbor's place to watch the Superbowl.  Michael made pulled pork sliders.  Ridiculously delicious, and I'm not just saying that because he feeds me on a regular basis.  The host wanted to hide them so that she could have the leftovers for lunch.  They were gone in about 15 minutes.  They were that good. 

Like most of his creations, no formal recipe.  5 lb. pork shoulder cooked in the crock pot for 6 hours (garlic and onion powder, orange juice, and a packet of beef ramen seasoning).  We cut hot dog buns into thirds and topped the pork with pickles.  Oh, and I guess the game was fantastic too!

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