April 9, 2012

The Weekend...with Sunburns

Pin It now! You know it was a gorgeous Easter Sunday when you come back from brunch outside and your face is beet red from a sunburn.  Michael and I met up with a few neighbors and had brunch on the rooftop patio of Berry Park.  The sun felt so warm especially after the last few weeks of chilly and windy weather so we just sat out there for a few hours soaking it all in.  Little did we know we would come back with sunburns and a farmer's tan, but for the sun it was worth it.  The rest of the weekend was filled with karaoke-singing, dodgeball-winning, pool-lounging, taxes, organizing-decluttering-cleaning, movie-watching and just enjoying the extra long weekend.  I am definitely in favor of having Fridays off - I would be much more productive. 

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