August 20, 2010

Blog Awards

Pin It now! i'm SO behind on this, but i've finally come around to it.

Thank you to Shannon at Lost in White Chiffon for awarding me the beautiful blogger award! The rules are:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
  2. Paste the award on your blog.
  3. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
  4. Share seven interesting things about yourself.
  5. Nominate up to 7 more beautiful bloggers.
  6. Link the seven bloggers you nominate.

So here are 7 fabulous/interesting/unique/embarrassing things about me.....
  1. I don't have a thyroid.  I had surgery to have it removed six years ago.
  2. I started wearing glasses in the second grade.  In third grade, I was too embarrassed so I stopped wearing them, but I got in trouble and was accused of cheating even though it was just because I couldn't see the board.  Every day I had to have my teacher and my parents initial a sheet to confirm I wore my glasses for that day.
  3. I love the color red.
  4. I love donuts, especially vanilla frosted ones with sprinkles.
  5. I love doing laundry and the satisfaction you get after it's done.
  6. I was accepted to the Medical Science program in high school, but just after three weeks, I quit and went back to my regular high school.  I don't regret it.  I regret the grief I put my parents through for having to switch me back.
I'd like award the following as beautiful bloggers!
  1. yummy.OR.unyummy (the sister team that makes all things food so pretty)
  2. the part where we move to london (my lovely ex-pat friend who is the most clever blogger)
  3. sweetfineday
  4. be happy nyc
  5. more than burnt toast
  6. hostess with the mostess
  7. i owe you one...

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