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it was my sister's birthday this weekend. she's the ripe old age of 25. ahh, the good old days. being seven years apart, we were always at a different part of our lives. when i started college she was only in 5th grade. when she finally was legal to drink, i was moving in with hubby. we've always had this great sister relationship though and i feel like i can always go to her when i'm having my worst days. i know it's supposed to be the other way around, but i'm usually the one venting to her for the silliest things. thank goodness for little sisters.
my parents and brother came in from nj and we had a birthday dinner at bocca di bacco and dessert (macaroons from financier) and ice cream cake at our apartment.
i'm throwing in old photos of us too. this was rachel's 2nd birthday in our old house on old queens. don't you love the wallpaper and my gigantic glasses! i love candid cute are my brother and sister. i want to go back and just hug them both.